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Controversy Artist Jessica Iskandar After Married Search Certificate Not Married

Selly Wahyu, personal assistant Jessica Iskandar reveal majikanya brief relationship with Ludwig Franz Willibald.

According to Selly, Jessica has not been seen together since February 2014. While Ludwig Jessica megaku married on December 11, 2013.
"Almost three months. December 2013 until February 2014," said Selly in the Administrative Court, East Jakarta, Thursday (12/2).

jessica iskandar

During live together, Selly not see any rift Jessica and Ludwig.
Selly who opted to stay with Jessica in the Ciganjur, assess Ludwig and his employer is a harmonious pair.

  "They Harmony. Sleeping in the room remains the same," he said.

Meanwhile TEAM attorney Ludwig bring witnesses, M Salah, head of the neighborhood that makes a statement to testify in the trial of Jessica Iskandar abortion marriage certificate in the State Administrative Court (Administrative Court).
In testimony to the Chairman of the local neighborhood, it was revealed that the cover letter RT and RW are not synchronized.

Jessica made keteragan unmarried letter on December 17, 2013. In fact, Jessica shows marriage documents in the True Jesus Church on Dec. 11.
"The letter was made by the second defendant intervention December 17, argued December 11 why was made on December 17, so inconsistent," said Windri Marietha, attorney Ludwig in the Administrative Court, East Jakarta, Thursday (12/2).

It is asserted that the allegations of making fictitious marriage certificate increasingly true.
"The letter is a letter of introduction unmarried person will hold," said M Harvardy Iqbal, attorney Ludwig.
Harvardy witness added that he was carrying a very competent and independent.
"Chairman of the RT does not know Ludwig, and lived in the neighborhood," he concluded.

The trial continued abortion lawsuit marriage certificate Jessica Iskandar and Ludwig Franz Willibald, until the key witness testimony of Jessica, as the intervention II.
Selly Wahyu who works as a personal assistant Jessica presented to the State Administrative Court (Administrative Court). In his testimony, Selly disclose Ludwig romance with her boss who already live together in Ciganjur region in 2013.

"When you witness knew Ludwig and Jessica live together?" asked Chief Justice, SH Haryati trial.
"The end of 2013. In Ciganjur, Kerinci Road No.88, Ciganjur. It was a private residence," said Selly.

Then Selly confirms that Jessica and Ludwig to sleep in the same room. "Yes the room. I do every morning between breakfast to Jessica. There Ludwig, were in bed together," he said.
Selly also heard conversations with Ludwig Jessica wedding plans to be held November 2014.
Selly summoned to court because he was mentioned as a witness on behalf of the Ludwig wedding

jessica iskandar

EVEN church denied, Jessica Iskandar still believe in the existence of legitimate marriage with Ludwig Franz Willibald.

Brian Praneda, attorney Jessica revealed his client is married outside the church building with the approval of the True Jesus Church.

"Do outside the church has been requested by the board and treaties, delivered Jessica feared a public figure and not want a wedding in the exposure so that the blessing is done outside the church," said Brian in the State Administrative Court (Administrative Court), East Jakarta, Thursday (5 / 2).

However, Pastor Andrea Halingkar of GYS give statements turned to Brian. In his testimony before the Administrative Court Judge, Andrea stated, wedding blessing can only be done in the church.
"As long as he is the True Jesus church, married justified in any branch, but it must be in a church blessing," said Andrea.

Of Rev. Andrea statement, explained that the church GYS just married congregation. Meanwhile, from the data collected Ludwig Jessica or not registered as a church GYS.
"There was never a church in the name of Jessica and Ludwig. We have a check in several branches YS church. All data are available in the church congregation YS center," he concluded.

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